A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

An adventure game where you're a witch and you're trying to revive your dead friend. Still in development though.

There are 3 levels in this game. I might add another level. You can also play online!


Wizboi v1.0 (Windows) 17 MB
Wizboi v1.1 (Mac) 42 MB
server.py 4 kB

Install instructions

If you're on Windows, click the download button for Windows, and then after the download finished, unzip the file. Then double click folder "Wizboi", and then double click folder "Wizboi" again, and run the "Wizboi.exe".

If you're on Mac, you need to download The Unarchiver from App Store. Then, click the download button for Mac. Once the download finished, double click the file to unzip it. After that, right click the Wizboi.app and select "Open".

If you want to start a server, you need to download Python 3. When downloading Python 3, make sure you check the "Add PIP to PATH" box. And then, open Command Prompt or Terminal, and then type "pip install pygame". If it doesn't work, try "pip3 install pygame". If it still doesn't work, try "python -m pip install pygame". If it still doesn't work, try "python3 -m pip install pygame". After that, change your Terminal or Command Prompt directory to the "server.py" file directory. And then type "python server.py" or "python3 server.py".

Development log


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how to download on linux

You cant download on Linux
